Analyze and Expand Your Global Reach with GeoEdge

Publish date: 2024-05-20

One of the biggest problems that online marketers have is expanding their ad campaigns and media buying to different countries. It’s a common issue that many of us struggle with and can relate to. Being that the majority of us are located in the United States, we have the mentality that we should be marketing to what we know, and that is the US audience. Eventually many of us will expand over to Canada and maybe some other countries and truly realize how much money there is to be made in foreign markets.

The secret to making money and running successful ad campaigns in different countries is knowing how to target your audience, but also to know what your competitors are as well. You know the banner ads and media buying that is happening on your site when you visit it as a US citizen, but what ads are showing when people are visiting your sites or competitor sites outside of the country? Instead of calling your best friend in another country to ask what ads are appearing on different sites, there is a much better solution.

GeoEdge has created an easy to use solution that allows you to browse the internet as if you were browsing from any country in the world. At the same time it will also display advertisers based on the country you would be viewing the site from as well. This not only allows you to see what banner ads and media buying is being done on your sites or your competitors sites, but also a whole new world of advertising and marketing that you may not have tapped into yet.

How GeoEdge Works

It seems like there is some amazing new service of feature that is created every day. In the past few years the ability to target and expand global marketing has vastly grown and definitely has also become more profitable. Through the use of a simple toolbar GeoEdge allows you to visit any web site, then simply scroll down to the country of choice and you can view any web site just as if you were a resident of that country.

Now, it’s possible to capture and analyze any ad displayed on any website, everywhere in world. For the first time ever, Publishers have a systematic tool to enforce their compliance rules in real-time in any country, Ad Networks and Media Buyers can analyze and identify international media opportunities and advertisements.

You can see a screenshot of what the GeoEdge toolbar looks like while browsing a web site. Select the geographic location you are targeting, then one more selection for the actual country and your browser will refresh with actual content that is displaying for residents in that country. When viewing a site that is running Google Adsense, it’s easy and clear to see a wide variety of different advertisements that will appear based on the targeted country audience.

Using GeoEdge to Increase Profits and Expand Reach

It’s not secret that the profitability of your ad campaign is also related to how much you can scale your campaign. Focusing on just once country will only get you so far. In addition to GeoEdge allowing you to view web sites and see what ad campaigns are running through out the world, their system also allows you to keep tabs on your competitor and when/where their campaigns and advertisements start to appear. Once logged into the system you can input your competitor sites and GeoEdge will start to monitor their campaigns and alert you whenever new ads go live in different countries.

As a GeoEdge user you will also have access to the following features…

A Visual Demo of How GeoEdge Can Work for You

It’s easy to understand how useful and effect a tool like GeoEdge can be for anyone running global ad campaigns or looking to finally make the jump to expand to different countries. The get an even better understanding of how the toolbar and back end system works, be sure to check out the short video below. It’s always better and easier to get a visual demonstration of how something works, than trying to write it all out in text or with some screenshots.

The geographic viewing toolbar from GeoEdge works with both FireFox and Chrome and you can currently sign up for a free trial account on their web site. The free trial allows you to download the toolbar and view the web from 8 different geographic locations.

If you would like to expand your reach to the rest of the world, you can upgrade your account which allows you to view geographic changes on mobile devices, using a web proxy and the amount of locations and usage limits allowed on a monthly basis. There are three premium packages available, ranging from $59 to $169 per month.

View your competitors and web sites differently with GeoEdge.
