Are You Buying from DealDotCom?

Publish date: 2024-06-06

I just went to DealDotCom again to see what was featured on their site today. More than anything else, I think it’s interesting to see what they are listing. Today they had "Marketing Graphics Pro" software listed on the site. The retail price was $37, but DealDotCom had it listed for $17. I have a ton of sites and pages that I like to work on, so anything I find that can change around conversions really interests me. Sure, I could probably learn how to make cool buttons like this in photoshop or find a designer, but if this program makes it real easy for me to post a fancy looking button on the page that increases sales by 10%, it’s worth the lousy $17 to me!

This is now my second purchase through DealDotCom. Last week I purchased the AffiliatePro WordPress plugin they had featured on the site. I’m sure there are some plugins out there that do the same, or almost the same… but this product was another cheap buy and I was able to easily install the script and get what I needed done. So far I like the products I’ve seen listed on DealDotCom, but I am not happy about their ebooks. I would say the majority of ebooks out there are crap. I haven’t looked in detail at the ones they have listed, but I would really like to see them stay away from ebooks and list more products and scripts on the site.

Anyone else out there buying any DealDotCom products or think they should lay off the ebooks?
