Content Based Blogs and Offer Landing Pages

Publish date: 2024-06-17

In a previous post, I was talking about As Seen on TV products and how they are rapidly spreading across the affiliate networks. I thought it would make for a fun case study to throw together a blog and a few landing pages to promote a few of these offers. In addition to any revenue that may come through the new site, I also want to stir up some ideas for you to possibly make some money with these offers as well. In this setup, I was targeting towards the concepts of creating individual landing pages for ppc, along with a blog for free search traffic as the site ages.

First off, I was playing around with my free landing page template, and created a custom landing page for the Shamwow offer. I think it came out pretty decent, and in a short amount of time as well.
(UPDATE: Just to make clear to everyone, the Shamwow offer is available on networks as marketable through email/banners only. The landing page setup below is shown as an example only, and will not be used for ppc marketing. Refer to MarketLeverage for various AsSeenOnTV offers which can be promoted through Email/Search/Web.)

Next, I wanted to create a blog around the offer, not only to create more content and relevant links… but to further help with it’s indexing in the search engines so I can pull in targeted free traffic down the road. Since UniqueBlogDesigns just came out with their new Citrus Design, I decided to throw something together. I chose the domain name Nothing that special, but it’s targeted and get the job done. The blog was quickly thrown up and not heavily monetized. I have also written a few posts for the blog to update with over the next few weeks.

After creating the Shamwow landing page and writing up some content for the new blog, everything is now live. It’s not the prettiest setup, but it works… and the goal is to continually add new content over time, targeting towards different “As Seen on TV” products. In addition to the many networks carrying these “As Seen on TV” campaigns, (mainly seen on MarketLeverage, HydraNetwork and CX Digital), you can also promote a TON more of their offers directly through the affiliate program.

As more offers become available on the networks, I may keep adding a few of them to the site. In a few weeks I will write a follow up post to see what type of traffic the blog is pulling in from the search engines. In a test like this, it’s important to remember that you are already going to pull in targeted traffic, so it isn’t so much of a issue of quantity but quality. If you can spend a day and a few hours a month putting together a decent content site, it can make you money all year round.
