Goodbye to AuctionAds

Publish date: 2024-05-28

It’s been fun, but now we must say goodbye to the once awesome AuctionAds. In the beginning you were innovative, profitable and showed some promise… but now with a mere few months under your belt and your original founders passing you along, you have simply become the nasty clutter which builds up in your back room and takes up space. Why so extreme harsh? It’s just unfortunate that a program which earns $1,728.13 can fall to an astounding $61.48! Let’s take a look at the fast rise and even faster decline of AuctionAd’s performance on my sites.

May was the first month I decided to run AuctionAds and it was already halfway through the month at that point. I gave the program another shot in June, despite it’s "ok" performance in May. June turned out to be great, but from there it all went down hill. In July I had nearly the same impressions served as June, but only half the clicks (reported). Then in August I had around a 20% drop in impressions, but clicks continues to be way off again… off nearly 20,000 clicks from the previous month. September was the last straw andless than 1,000 clicks were reported, from over 6 million impressions.

I know that AuctionAds has said they were having issues with their click tracking, but it’s been weeks since anything was fixed, and numbers just kept declining. If this horrible decline in stats would have occurred if Jeremy and others were still in charge, I don’t know. However, I think it was an amazing job on his part to get out at the peak when he did.

Over the past five months of running AuctionAds I made a decent $3200+, which is a ton more than I have heard from other members which never met their minimum payment levels with the program. I rarely see the program running on any sites anymore and I completely understand why. It’s a shame the program had to fail. I enjoyed posting my earnings and feeling on the program each month, but now  it is time, and I must say goodbye. AuctionAds will now be removed from my network of sites.
