How To Increase Affiliate Income By Ranking On Googles First Page

Publish date: 2024-05-16

The almighty Google has released the Penguin and the effect on blogs especially affiliate review blogs are huge.

It’s like affiliate marketers are confused. They’ve a lot of questions traveling through their clouded minds what’s Google really up to. How do I position my affiliate niche sites to rank better, generate income and make me happy? I need to pay some bills and Google just wouldn’t understand.

They don’t care about me, despite all my efforts to please them. I wish Google would fall in love with my niche blog, all these plights will be gone in a hurry. Oh God, help me!

I’m I speaking to you sure, I know someone out there is lamenting over the drop in his blog. Google Penguin updates really smashed a lot of blogs and the money they were earning virtually dropped by several multiples. Are you on of such persons?

You’re not alone. I’m an affiliate marketer too. I own 2 affiliate review blogs. I visualized what Google is up to about 5 months ago, and I began to take the right steps. Fortunately, my affiliate blogs are still hot, generating gasping commissions and taking me to the bank monthly. I want to show you how to position your blog to rank higher in search engines, it doesn’t matter whether the Panda is at the gate or the Penguin in the room (I wonder why Google chooses to use weird animal names for updates).

There are 2 steps to take your affiliate money making blog to the top. It’s not going to be easy, and it won’t happen overnight. But I’m confident that when you give it a shot, you’ll bounce back fast. Let’s dive in:

1. Start Acting Like a Middleman

Every affiliate marketer is a middle man. Do you agree with me?

Unfortunately, a lot of affiliate marketers acts like the manufacturer. I mean, they literally review affiliate offers as if they own it. Their affiliate blog doesn’t sound like a resourceful site. An affiliate is expected to behave, review, and answer questions with a backup. Middlemen don’t pride themselves as the product owner; they simply lead target audience through the buying phases without sounding like the CEO.

And guess what? If you consistently review affiliate offers as if you own it, you’ll start operating with a different mindset. This mindset will be controlled by what it sees. Making money by all means becomes the meat and blood of your business, how pathetic.

The first stage of affiliate success is to recognize you’re in the middle. Giving instructions and directing interested prospects to take action. No, you’re not pushing or pulling them to buy; you’re only doing the work you were called to do sharing information. The sales page or store should do the selling, you’re to presell.

Several sites were penalized for over-optimizing. And the #1 reason is obvious, money-conscious thinking caused the webmaster to stuff keywords, emphasize every keyword and acquire links unnecessarily.

What You Should Be Doing Instead

Position your blog with in-depth and well-researched contents. Making money is good, we all want to but you don’t have to be controlled by it. Focus on what retailers and consumers want (helpful information) and the money will trail you like an angry shadow.

To rank highly on Google first page, you’ve to put the end-user (buyers, prospects, consumers, shoppers) in front. Once you can engage readers on your blog, Google will assume that your blog is great and reward you with RICH, TARGETED AND READY-TO-BUY ORGANIC TRAFFIC.

2. Build Contextual Links Naturally

“Links are the currency of the web” Brain Clark

We can’t deny the fact that outbound links are one of the factors Google looks for. But all links are not created equal. Recently, I discovered that when I link from authority and active blogs, my review pages starts ranking highly. It’s no longer the amount of links you build, but how relevant, how specific and where you’re linking to.

You see a lot of people build good links to a wrong page. Some folks employ search engine optimization tricks to deceive Google spider, and one of such is linking to a regurgitated page or a page that has no rich contents. Have you been doing this, stop today?

If you want to rank and enjoy organic traffic and targeted buyers, then, prepare your articles. The pages you’re linking to are important, not just the authority blog that allows you to place two links. Getting external links to your blog pages is easy, guest posting is the best way. But the problem is “ how juicy is the page you’re linking to. Is it exceptional, engaging and helpful to the reader?

And secondly, contextual linking is the key to strengthening your blog pages. When you link to a certain page in the article body, you’ve done a mighty work and Google will definitely reward it. Make it flow. Don’t try to squeeze in keywords because you want a contextual link. Write naturally and from your heart. A contextual link speaks volumes to search engines. It tells them that you’re citing to a more relevant page.

If your posts are inspiring, people would share it, link and recommend it. And these activities are bringing rich links and targeted traffic from organic sources.

Take This Home

“Your blog is by you, not for you” Michael Chibuzor

Anyone can make money promoting affiliate offers; it doesn’t matter if you’re a School Dropout or holds MBA from Cambridge. What matters is the zeal to see other people fulfill their business goals. Channel your entire energy in helping someone, a group of persons come closer to meeting their needs in life and there will be so much money coming your way.

There you’ve it, the only 2 steps needed to boost your affiliate earnings by positioning your blog to rank on Google’s first page. The tips are not tedious, I’m so confident you can do it.

Leave a comment below and meet me at the top!

This guest post was written by Michael Chibuzor, who is a freelance writer.
