How to Successfully Make Money with Build a Niche Store

Publish date: 2024-05-28

I get emails daily asking “How do i start making money online?” or “How do i get started in affiliate marketing?”. Unfortunately I don’t have to time to answer all of these emails in details since I get so many and only have so much time. I was looking at a somewhat new program last week called Build A Niche Store (BANS). After getting the program and fooling around with it for a bit, I thought it would make for a good intro to affiliate marketing and an easy way for people to get started. Not only can you start making money with the program, by creating your own niche sites, but you can learn about all different types of affiliate marketing as you grow your BANS site.

I’d like for this blog to not only be a resource for successful and established affiliates, but for everyone with an interest to make money online and get started in affiliate marketing. This week I will start a series of posts on how to setup a Build a Niche Store site, implementing different affiliate programs, how to target niches markets and how to successfully repeat the process over and over again to eventually provide you with a network of web sites earning you residual income month after month. The BANS software in itself focuses on how to make money off eBay and creating Auction sites. In addition to getting you setup with the eBay affiliate program, I will walk you through all of the different methods and programs you can use to monetize your new sites to the fullest. Not only will I have detailed guides for each topic, but I will also use my own BANS pages to give you examples and walk you through the process, and earnings as my BANS pages establish themselves.

If you would like to get started with creating your own Build a Niche Store, visit their web site for more information and to purchase their software. If you aren’t interesting in using the BANS program, you can still read through the future posts and use the advice and tips to monetize any existing web sites or landing pages you may have. Feel free to post any comments or questions your have that I will try to cover over the series of post due out this week.
