Lets Network! Friend Me on FaceBook.

Publish date: 2024-06-19

It’s been a while since I last logged into my Facebook account. I just logged in yesterday and had around 50 new friend requests and noticed a few of them were current blog readers/commenters. I’m going to try and start utilizing Facebook a bit more and see what I can do about incorporating some social networking in with the blog. Not only will this help in spreading the word, but it will also keep you updated with new posts and any promotions I run to my Facebook friends. I still have a massive amount of tshirts and freebies to give away. Let me know if you have any ideas on some fun promotions to give them away!

So here is my open invite… Friend me on Facebook if you aren’t already! Every 25th friend request til the end of the month will get a Free MoneyReign Shirt! If you are a winner, I’ll contact you through FaceBook. If the response is large enough, I will make a follow up post at the beginning of each month and continually hold new Facebook related contests each month.
