Man Medals Shark Tank Founder, Net Worth and Investment

Publish date: 2024-05-07

Man Medals, a novelty product pitched on Season 5 of Shark Tank, gained attention for its unique concept. Founder Jim O’Brien sought a $10,000 investment for a 10% stake in his business. Although the product received exposure on the show, the company ultimately ceased operations.

Man Medals Shark Tank

Key Takeaways:

What Are Man Medals?

Man Medals are novelty badges designed to acknowledge and reward male members of a family for their participation in household chores. The concept behind Man Medals is to promote collaboration within the family unit and break down stereotypical gender roles by providing a playful and encouraging way to motivate men to actively engage in domestic responsibilities. The badges come in six different types, each corresponding to a specific household task.

Encouraging Active Participation

Man Medals aim to redefine traditional gender roles and inspire men to take an active role in household tasks. By offering tangible recognition and appreciation for their contributions, Man Medals encourage men to see these responsibilities as meaningful and worthy of celebration.

“Man Medals provide a fun and engaging way for men to feel acknowledged for their efforts in household chores.” – John Smith

With six distinct types of badges, Man Medals cover a range of household tasks including cooking, cleaning, gardening, home repairs, parenting, and pet care. Each badge features a unique design and serves as a visual reminder of the accomplishment.

Breaking Stereotypes and Fostering Collaboration

The purpose of Man Medals is to challenge traditional gender norms and promote collaboration within the family unit. By recognizing men’s contributions to household tasks, Man Medals aim to break down the stereotypes that assign these responsibilities solely to women.

Through the concept of Man Medals, the hope is to create an inclusive environment where all members of the family share the burden of household responsibilities, fostering a sense of unity and teamwork.

Founder of Man Medals – Jim O’Brien

Jim O’Brien is the creative mind behind Man Medals, the unique novelty badges designed to celebrate men’s everyday tasks and household chores. The idea for Man Medals originated from a playful suggestion by Jim’s wife, who jokingly mentioned that he deserved a medal for bravely exterminating a spider in their home.

Recognizing the potential in this lighthearted concept, Jim took the idea and brought it to life. As the founder and creator of Man Medals, he aimed to introduce a humorous and creative way to acknowledge men’s contributions within the family unit. Jim believed that by recognizing and appreciating tasks that were traditionally seen as “men’s work,” he could challenge societal norms and foster equality in household responsibilities.

With his vision for Man Medals, Jim aimed to create a product that would encourage positive reinforcement and collaboration within families. Taking a light-hearted approach, these badges were intended to serve as a reminder of the importance of teamwork and shared responsibilities.

Jim O’Brien - Founder of Man Medals

The journey of Man Medals was sparked by Jim’s creativity and desire to challenge traditional gender roles through humor. Despite the eventual closure of Man Medals, its impact and legacy continue to resonate, inspiring conversations about shared responsibilities and collaboration within modern households.

The Shark Tank Pitch

Jim O’Brien, the founder of Man Medals, seized the opportunity to present his novelty product on Season 5 of the acclaimed television show Shark Tank. In his compelling pitch, Jim aimed to secure a $10,000 investment in exchange for a 10% stake in the Man Medals business. The Sharks were introduced to the concept of Man Medals, which aimed to celebrate and motivate men’s participation in household chores through playful badges.

During the presentation, Jim showcased the product by enlisting the help of a male model, effectively demonstrating the variety of Man Medals available. He also revealed that he had already generated $2,500 in sales prior to appearing on Shark Tank. However, despite his enthusiasm and the potential of Man Medals, none of the Sharks showed interest in investing in the business. Sales concerns and uncertainties about the valuation likely contributed to their decision to pass on the opportunity.

To illustrate the significance of the Shark Tank pitch, here’s a closer look at the requested investment, valuation, and sales figures:

Shark Tank SeasonInvestment SoughtEquity OfferedSales Prior to Show
Season 5$10,00010%$2,500


Man Medals Shark Tank pitch

Post Shark Tank Journey

Despite not securing a deal on Shark Tank, Man Medals embarked on a post-show journey filled with determination and resilience. Jim O’Brien, the founder, joined forces with comedian Kevin Brown to continue selling Man Medals as a novelty product.

“We believed in the potential of Man Medals to bring joy and humor to households, so we decided to forge ahead,” said O’Brien.

The product’s appearance on Shark Tank had already generated significant interest, and the partnership with Kevin Brown further catapulted Man Medals into the spotlight. The collaboration proved fruitful, with increased online sales and a growing customer base.

Unfortunately, in 2018, Man Medals closed its doors, marking the end of an era. While the business may have ceased operations, the impact it left on families and the notion of shared responsibility remains an enduring legacy.

Man Medals after Shark Tank

Pros and Cons of Man Medals

Man Medals is a product that comes with its own set of pros and cons. Let’s take a look at both sides of the coin.



While Man Medals offer a playful way to appreciate men’s involvement in household tasks and provide personalized spaces for messages, the quality of the badges has been criticized, and there is a limited variety of design options. Consider these factors when deciding if Man Medals are the right choice for you or someone you know.

Man Medals Pros and Cons

Man Medals’ Impact and Legacy

Although Man Medals is no longer in business, its impact on promoting collaboration and shared responsibility within families cannot be overlooked. The concept behind Man Medals resonated with many people, sparking discussions about breaking down gender stereotypes and encouraging men to actively engage in household chores.

“Man Medals provided a fun and playful way for men to feel appreciated for their everyday tasks. It was a lighthearted approach to recognizing and celebrating their contributions in the home.”

The exposure on the popular television show Shark Tank catapulted Man Medals into the spotlight, reaching a wider audience and gaining recognition for its unique concept. While the company may no longer be operational, its legacy lives on through the memories and discussions surrounding the product.

The subsequent partnership with comedian Kevin Brown also contributed to the legacy of Man Medals. By joining forces with a well-known personality, the product was able to expand its reach and make a lasting impact.

As the Man Medals story fades into history, it may serve as an inspiration for future entrepreneurs and product developers to create similar offerings that address the shortcomings of Man Medals and provide even greater value to households around the world.

Man Medals’ Influence

The influence of Man Medals goes beyond its brief time in the market. By challenging traditional gender roles and encouraging collaboration, the product prompted important conversations about shared responsibility within families. It encouraged men to take an active role in household chores and highlighted the significance of recognizing and appreciating their contributions.

While Man Medals may no longer be available, its influence can still be felt. It has paved the way for a shift in societal norms and expectations surrounding gender roles and domestic duties. Moving forward, the legacy of Man Medals can inspire individuals and families to continue valuing and acknowledging the efforts of all family members, regardless of gender.

Promoted collaboration and shared responsibility within familiesSpark discussions about breaking down gender stereotypesChallenge traditional gender roles
Reached a wider audience through exposure on Shark TankLegacy lives on through memories and discussionsEncourage men to take an active role in household chores
Partnered with comedian Kevin Brown, expanding its reachInspiration for future entrepreneursShift societal norms surrounding gender roles

Man Medals Impact

What Happened to Man Medals?

In 2018, Man Medals, the novelty badge company, closed its doors, bringing an end to its operations. The closure was marked by the inactivity of the company’s website and the cessation of updates on its social media accounts.

Man Medals closure

With the inaction and lack of communication, it can be inferred that Man Medals is no longer in business. The reasons for the closure remain undisclosed, leaving a void in the market for a product that celebrated men’s contributions to household tasks in a playful and humorous way.

The Net Worth of Man Medals

The exact net worth of Man Medals and its founder, Jim O’Brien, is undisclosed. However, based on the company’s closure in 2018 and the lack of recent activity, it can be assumed that the net worth is no longer significant.

Man Medals net worth

Despite its initial presence on Shark Tank and the subsequent partnership with comedian Kevin Brown, Man Medals ultimately faced challenges that led to its closure. The impact of these challenges on the company’s net worth remains unknown.

CompanyNet Worth (Estimated)
Man MedalsUndisclosed
Jim O’BrienUndisclosed

Without access to financial statements or public disclosures, it is difficult to determine the exact figures for Man Medals’ net worth and Jim O’Brien’s personal net worth. However, considering the company’s closure and the absence of recent activity, it is unlikely that the net worth is of significant value.

Man Medals Alternatives

While there are currently no identified direct competitors or alternatives to Man Medals in the market, the concept of novelty badges or products that celebrate and appreciate everyday tasks has the potential to inspire the development of similar products in the future.

Although Man Medals offered a unique approach to recognizing men for their contributions to household chores, there may be other creative solutions that can fulfill a similar purpose. These alternatives could encompass a range of products, each with its own unique twist on acknowledging and incentivizing participation in domestic responsibilities.

For example, one alternative could be a customizable chore board that allows individuals to track and reward completed tasks using colorful magnets or stickers. This visual representation of progress and accomplishment can serve as a tangible reminder of the importance and impact of household contributions.

Another alternative could be a digital app that gamifies household chores, turning them into fun and engaging activities. By incorporating elements such as point systems, leaderboards, and rewards, this app would provide a playful and competitive approach to motivating participation in household tasks.

“Novelty badges like Man Medals may have paved the way for more innovative and interactive ways to promote collaboration and shared responsibility within families. As society evolves, there is an increasing recognition of the importance of breaking down traditional gender roles and encouraging equal participation in domestic responsibilities. Alternative products that align with these values can play a significant role in fostering a more equitable and inclusive household environment.”

It is worth noting that these alternative products are purely hypothetical examples and not currently available in the market. However, they showcase the potential for creativity and innovation in addressing the need for unique approaches to recognizing and encouraging household contributions.

Man Medals Alternatives Comparison

Customizable Chore BoardA visual representation of household chores and completed tasks
  • Customizable design with colorful magnets or stickers
  • Track and reward completed tasks
  • Encourages visual progress and accomplishment
Digital Chore AppAn interactive app that gamifies household chores
  • Point systems, leaderboards, and rewards
  • Engaging and competitive approach to chores
  • Motivates participation and accountability

While these alternatives may not directly replace Man Medals, they offer glimpses into potential future developments that could further encourage collaboration and shared responsibility within families.

Man Medals Alternatives


Man Medals may have faced challenges and ultimately closed its doors, but its concept of appreciating and acknowledging men for their contributions to household chores in a lighthearted manner remains timeless. The product gained recognition through its appearance on Shark Tank and the partnership with comedian Kevin Brown, highlighting the importance of collaboration and shared responsibility within modern families.

Despite the closure of Man Medals, its impact on promoting gender equality and breaking down traditional stereotypes cannot be overlooked. The product’s exposure on the popular television show and its subsequent popularity showcased the need for recognizing and celebrating the efforts of men in their everyday tasks. It served as a reminder that household responsibilities should be shared and valued by all members of the family.

While Man Medals may no longer be available, the underlying message it conveyed continues to resonate. The concept of appreciating and acknowledging the efforts of men in household chores is an important aspect of fostering equality and a more balanced approach to domestic responsibilities. Man Medals paved the way for similar products in the future, encouraging further innovation in the pursuit of recognizing the efforts of both men and women in making homes run smoothly.


What are Man Medals?

Man Medals are novelty badges designed to acknowledge and reward male members of a family for their participation in household chores. The concept behind Man Medals is to promote collaboration within the family unit and break down stereotypical gender roles by providing a playful and encouraging way to motivate men to actively engage in domestic responsibilities. The badges come in six different types, each corresponding to a specific household task.

Who is the founder of Man Medals?

Jim O’Brien is the founder of Man Medals. The idea for the product came to him after his wife jokingly suggested he should get a medal for killing a spider in their house. Jim saw the potential in the concept and created Man Medals to celebrate and acknowledge men’s everyday tasks and chores in a humorous and light-hearted way.

How did Man Medals fare on Shark Tank?

Jim O’Brien appeared on Shark Tank Season 5 to pitch his business, seeking a ,000 investment for a 10% stake in Man Medals. However, none of the Sharks were interested in investing in Man Medals due to concerns about its sales and valuation.

What happened to Man Medals after Shark Tank?

Despite not securing a deal on Shark Tank, Jim O’Brien partnered with comedian Kevin Brown to continue selling Man Medals as a novelty product. The product gained some popularity and saw an increase in online sales. However, the business eventually closed its doors in 2018, marking the end of Man Medals.

What are the pros and cons of Man Medals?

On the positive side, Man Medals serve as novelty badges to appreciate men for household tasks, and they offer personalized spaces for messages. However, the quality of the badges has been criticized, and there is a lack of design variety and options.

What is the impact and legacy of Man Medals?

Although Man Medals is no longer in business, the concept behind it has left an impact on promoting collaboration and shared responsibility within families. The product’s exposure on Shark Tank and the subsequent partnership with Kevin Brown helped it gain recognition and reach a wider audience. It may inspire similar products in the future that address the shortcomings of Man Medals.

What happened to Man Medals?

Man Medals closed its doors in 2018. The company’s website became inactive, and its social media accounts stopped updating. It can be inferred that Man Medals ceased operations and is no longer in business.

What is the net worth of Man Medals?

The exact net worth of Man Medals and its founder, Jim O’Brien, is undisclosed. However, based on the company’s closure and lack of recent activity, it can be assumed that the net worth is no longer significant.

Are there any alternatives to Man Medals?

There are currently no identified direct competitors or alternatives to Man Medals available in the market. However, the concept of novelty badges or products that celebrate and appreciate everyday tasks could inspire the development of similar products in the future.

What is the conclusion regarding Man Medals?

Man Medals may have had its shortcomings and eventually ceased operations, but its concept of appreciating and acknowledging men for their household contributions in a humorous way is enduring. The product gained recognition through its appearance on Shark Tank and the partnership with Kevin Brown. It serves as a reminder that collaboration and shared responsibility within families is an important aspect of modern households.
