September Goals & Blog Contest Winners

Publish date: 2024-06-20

This should be a very exciting month! In less than 10 days I will be headed to Florida for IzeaFest and nearly a week later I’ll be off to Las Vegas for BlogWorld. My personal goal for the month is to make at least 30 posts this month (if not more). I’ve only been averaging around 15-20 post per month… leaving many visitors with prior days new content. In addition to putting more effort on this blog, I’m going to try and go live with another blog or two this month. (One big one as a new hobby/case study… and see if I can setup a few others for individual offers)

If you have any ideas for new posts or for case studies, please feel free to leave a comment or send over an email. I also encourage you to follow me on twitter and subscribe to my newsletter.

In my recent “Affiliate Marketing & Blog Contests” post, I listed some of the current contest promotions going on across the web, and a chance for anyone commenting on the post to receive a free t-shirt. Three random comments were selected and the winners are: Trisha Lyn Fawver, Miguel Alvarez and Eva White. I’ll continue this same type of promotion again, but this time it will be awarded to the top 5 commenters for the month.

What are some of your goals for this September, and who will be able to make it to IzeaFest and BlogWorld this year?
