Toilet Timer Shark Tank Founder, Net Worth and Investment

Publish date: 2024-05-24

Are you tired of spending too much time on the toilet? Well, the innovative Katamco Toilet Timer might just be the solution you need! This unique time management device appeared on Shark Tank and caught the attention of both the Sharks and the viewers. In this article, we will explore the details about the founder of the Toilet Timer, the net worth of the company, and the investment deal that took this product to new heights.

Toilet Timer Shark Tank

Key Takeaways:

The Founder of Katamco Toilet Timer – Adam Stephey

Adam Stephey, a serial inventor and entrepreneur, is the visionary behind Katamco Toilet Timer. With his creativity and entrepreneurial spirit, Adam has developed numerous innovative products throughout his career. However, the idea for the Toilet Timer stemmed from a personal experience that resonated with many others.

It all began when Adam’s wife, Katie, playfully pointed out his excessive toilet time spent browsing his phone. Realizing the need to find a solution and strike a balance, Adam put his skills in 3D printing to good use. He designed and created a five-minute sand timer that not only serves as a practical reminder but also adds a touch of humor to the bathroom routine.

“I wanted to create a fun yet effective tool that would help individuals manage their time more efficiently while adding a little bit of laughter to their daily rituals,” Adam explains.

By incorporating his expertise and passion for inventing, Adam successfully brought the Katamco Toilet Timer to life. The product quickly gained traction, resonating with individuals who recognized the importance of maintaining time boundaries while in the bathroom.

To get a better understanding of Adam Stephey’s entrepreneurial journey and the inspiration behind the Toilet Timer, let’s dive deeper into his background and innovative mindset.

Stay tuned for the upcoming sections, as we explore the net worth of Katamco Toilet Timer, the impact of their appearance on Shark Tank, and the company’s plans for the future.

Net Worth of Katamco Toilet Timer

As of May 2022, the Katamco Toilet Timer boasts an impressive estimated net worth of $1.1 million. This substantial growth in value is a testament to the product’s success since its appearance on Shark Tank in 2021, where it was valued at $2 million. The company has consistently achieved profitable sales, generating over $1 million in revenue in 2021 alone.

Katamco Toilet Timer Net Worth Image

Financial Overview of Katamco Toilet Timer

YearNet WorthSales
2021$1.1 million$1 million
2022$1.1 million$900,000

As seen in the table above, the net worth of Katamco Toilet Timer has experienced steady growth. With increasing sales each year, the company has solidified its position in the market and gained significant value. The success of the product is a testament to its effectiveness and the market demand for innovative solutions.

The Shark Tank Investment Deal

During their Shark Tank pitch, Adam and Katie Stephey sought a $200,000 investment for a 10% stake in their company, which was valued at $2 million. Despite some skepticism from the Sharks, Mark Cuban saw the potential in the Toilet Timer and offered a $200,000 investment for 25% equity.

“I believe the Toilet Timer has the potential to disrupt the bathroom time management market. I can see it becoming a household name and a must-have product for individuals looking to improve their time management skills.” – Mark Cuban

Although the deal with Mark did not materialize, the exposure from Shark Tank led to increased sales and success for Katamco Toilet Timer.

Shark Tank investment

InvestorInvestment AmountEquity Stake
Mark Cuban$200,00025%

Sales and Success of Katamco Toilet Timer

Katamco Toilet Timer has experienced tremendous success since its appearance on Shark Tank. The product has generated millions of dollars in sales, captivating customers with its unique concept and functionality. One of the key contributors to the company’s sales growth is its impressive fundraising efforts, including a highly successful Kickstarter campaign that raised over $20,000. This influx of funds has allowed Katamco to further expand its operations and consolidate its market presence.

With its appearance on the popular TV show, Katamco Toilet Timer garnered significant attention and gained a larger customer base. The exposure from Shark Tank propelled the product to new heights, creating a surge in demand and contributing to its overwhelming success. This increased visibility allowed the company to reach a wider audience and establish itself as a leading player in the bathroom time management market.

Katamco Toilet Timer sales and success

The Impact of Shark Tank

“Being featured on Shark Tank was a game-changer for us,” said Adam Stephey, the founder of Katamco Toilet Timer. “The exposure and endorsement from such a renowned platform not only boosted our sales but also instilled trust and confidence in our product.”

The endorsement from the Sharks, particularly the interest shown by business magnate and investor Mark Cuban, further cemented the credibility and viability of Katamco Toilet Timer. The combination of positive feedback and increased sales propelled the company towards unparalleled success, solidifying its position in the market.

Word of mouth has also played a significant role in the sales and success of Katamco Toilet Timer. Satisfied customers have enthusiastically recommended the product to friends and family, fueling its growth and helping to establish a loyal customer base. The effectiveness and practicality of the Toilet Timer have resonated with individuals seeking an innovative solution for better time management in the bathroom.

Continued Growth and Expansion

With its remarkable sales trajectory and widespread acclaim, Katamco Toilet Timer shows no signs of slowing down. The company is focused on capitalizing on its success and expanding its product offerings to meet the evolving needs of its customers.

By consistently delivering top-quality products and maintaining a strong commitment to customer satisfaction, Katamco Toilet Timer aims to solidify its position as a leader in the bathroom time management industry. As the company continues to innovate and engage with its growing customer base, its dedication to providing practical solutions for everyday life remains unwavering.

Availability and Additional Products

If you’re interested in getting your hands on the Katamco Toilet Timer, you’re in luck! The timer is readily available for purchase on the company’s website and Amazon. Priced at just $14.99, it offers an affordable solution for managing bathroom time effectively.

But that’s not all! Katamco also has some exciting additional products that you can check out:

Smartphone Wall Docks

smartphone wall docks

Do you find yourself struggling to find a safe and convenient spot to keep your smartphone in the bathroom? Katamco has got you covered with their specially designed smartphone wall docks. These docks provide a secure place to keep your phone within reach while you’re in the bathroom. No more worrying about dropping it in the toilet or having it slide off precarious surfaces!

Greeting Cards

Looking for a fun and unique way to bring a smile to someone’s face? Katamco offers a range of quirky and humorous greeting cards that are perfect for any occasion. Whether you want to brighten someone’s day or make them laugh out loud, these greeting cards are sure to do the trick.

“When Dad Goes Poo” Book

If you’re a fan of the Toilet Timer and enjoy a good laugh, you’ll love Katamco’s latest release, “When Dad Goes Poo.” This book is filled with hilarious and relatable poems that capture the humorous side of bathroom time. It’s the perfect complement to your Toilet Timer and makes for a great gift for friends and family.

Experience the convenience and humor of Katamco’s additional products while effectively managing your time in the bathroom.

The Impact of Shark Tank on Katamco Toilet Timer

Appearing on Shark Tank had a significant impact on the success of Katamco Toilet Timer. The exposure gained from the show led to a surge in sales, with over 5,000 units sold within a week of the intended show date. The validation of the product’s viability and the investment offer from Mark Cuban solidified its position in the market.

“Being on Shark Tank was a game-changer for us. The visibility and credibility we gained from appearing on the show helped us to reach a much larger audience and attract new customers. It gave us the momentum we needed to take our product to the next level.”

– Adam Stephey, Founder of Katamco Toilet Timer

The exposure on Shark Tank gave Katamco Toilet Timer a significant boost in sales and brand recognition. It showcased the effectiveness and appeal of the product to a wide audience, leading to increased consumer trust and confidence. This exposure resulted in a steady stream of sales and helped establish Katamco Toilet Timer as a leading player in the market.

The investment offer from Mark Cuban also served as a testament to the product’s potential and market value. Although the deal did not materialize, the validation from such a prominent investor further solidified the Toilet Timer’s credibility and attracted the attention of other investors and potential business partners.

The impact of Shark Tank on Katamco Toilet Timer cannot be overstated. The show provided a platform for the product to gain national exposure and significantly expand its customer base. The increased sales and recognition catapulted Katamco Toilet Timer into a new realm of success, propelling the brand forward and positioning it for future growth and innovation.

Shark Tank Impact

Impact of Shark Tank on Katamco Toilet TimerKey Takeaways
Increase in SalesOver 5,000 units sold within a week of the show
Brand RecognitionGained credibility and trust among consumers
Validation and Investor InterestInvestment offer from Mark Cuban solidified market value
Future Growth OpportunitiesPositioned for continued success and innovation

Customer Reviews and Feedback

Customer reviews for Katamco Toilet Timer have been overwhelmingly positive, demonstrating the product’s effectiveness and appeal. Users have expressed their satisfaction with the innovative device and its ability to manage bathroom time efficiently. The unique and humorous design of the Toilet Timer has received praise for bringing a touch of fun into everyday routines.

“The Katamco Toilet Timer has truly transformed my bathroom time. It’s a fun reminder to keep things efficient and not get carried away. I love the design and how it adds a bit of humor to my daily routine.” – Sarah N.

Many customers appreciate the simplicity and functionality of the Toilet Timer, finding it to be a helpful tool in maintaining time management habits. It serves as a gentle reminder to avoid spending excessive time in the bathroom, ensuring a more efficient and balanced lifestyle.

While the majority of reviews have been positive, there are a few mixed opinions on the product. Some customers have expressed that they find the Toilet Timer unnecessary or ineffective, stating that they already have their own methods of managing bathroom time. However, these opinions are outweighed by the positive feedback and the product’s overall success in the market.

Customer Reviews and Feedback

Overall, Katamco Toilet Timer has received favorable customer reviews and feedback, making it a popular choice for individuals who value the importance of efficient bathroom time management.

Updates and Future Plans

Since its appearance on Shark Tank, Katamco Toilet Timer has not provided any recent updates as of April 2023. However, the product remains available for purchase on the company’s website and Amazon, ensuring accessibility for interested customers.

While there may not be any immediate plans for new products, the expertise of founder Adam Stephey in 3D printing opens up possibilities for future innovations from Katamco. His skills and passion for creating unique and practical solutions suggest that the company may have exciting developments in store for its loyal customer base.

Without a doubt, Katamco Toilet Timer will continue to prioritize customer satisfaction and explore opportunities for growth and improvement. Stay tuned for updates on the company’s website and social media channels for any exciting developments in the future.

Katamco Toilet Timer Updates and Future Plans

The Katamco Toilet Timer offers updates and future plans to provide customers with improved bathroom time management solutions.

The Impact of the Toilet Timer on Bathroom Time Management

The Toilet Timer has revolutionized bathroom time management by providing a simple and humorous tool to remind people to limit their time on the toilet. It serves as a gentle reminder for efficient bathroom usage and helps individuals avoid wasting time. The product has gained popularity among individuals of all ages, including children who are still learning bathroom routines.

Toilet Timer impact

With its eye-catching design and functionality, the Toilet Timer has made a significant impact on bathroom time management. The timer’s vibrant colors and amusing sand trickling down create an engaging and light-hearted experience. By setting a time limit, users are encouraged to complete their bathroom tasks efficiently, promoting better time management habits.

The Toilet Timer’s impact extends beyond just saving time. It also helps promote a healthier relationship with technology, as many people tend to spend excessive amounts of time on their phones or other devices while in the bathroom. By limiting time spent in the toilet, individuals can redirect their focus to more meaningful activities, such as spending time with loved ones or engaging in personal hobbies.

The Toilet Timer has become a popular tool for individuals seeking to manage their bathroom time effectively, offering a fun and engaging way to reduce unnecessary and prolonged visits to the restroom.

Children who are in the process of learning bathroom routines can also benefit from the Toilet Timer. The visual countdown helps them understand the importance of completing their bathroom tasks promptly. Moreover, the colorful nature of the Timer appeals to children’s sense of fun and adventure, making it a useful tool for instilling good bathroom habits at a young age.

Customer Testimonials

Overall, the Toilet Timer has had a positive impact on bathroom time management. Its playful and practical approach to timekeeping has helped individuals of all ages develop healthier and more efficient bathroom habits.


The success story of Katamco Toilet Timer highlights the power of innovative ideas and the significant impact that platforms like Shark Tank can have on a company’s growth. Since appearing on the show, the net worth of Katamco Toilet Timer has seen a substantial increase, and the product has garnered a strong following.

With its unique design and functionality, the Toilet Timer has become the go-to option for individuals seeking an effective way to manage their bathroom time. Its presence in the market continues to grow, and its success can be attributed to its appearance on Shark Tank, which brought greater visibility and introduced the product to a larger customer base.

Furthermore, customer reviews for the Katamco Toilet Timer have been predominantly positive, with many praising its usefulness and distinctive humorous design. While there have been some mixed reviews, the overall response from the market has been favorable. The Timer serves as a fun and practical tool for individuals of all ages, aiding in efficient bathroom usage and helping to avoid wasted time.

In conclusion, the Katamco Toilet Timer has proven to be a success story, exemplifying the impact that innovative products coupled with exposure on a popular TV show can have on a company’s growth. With its increasing net worth, dedicated following, and ability to revolutionize bathroom time management, the Toilet Timer from Katamco continues to be a sought-after solution for individuals looking to optimize their bathroom routines.


How did the idea for Katamco Toilet Timer come about?

The idea for Katamco Toilet Timer came about when the founder, Adam Stephey, realized he was spending too much time on the toilet. His wife, Katie, pointed out his excessive phone browsing, prompting him to create a timer to limit toilet breaks.

What is the net worth of Katamco Toilet Timer?

As of May 2022, Katamco Toilet Timer has an estimated net worth of


How did the idea for Katamco Toilet Timer come about?

The idea for Katamco Toilet Timer came about when the founder, Adam Stephey, realized he was spending too much time on the toilet. His wife, Katie, pointed out his excessive phone browsing, prompting him to create a timer to limit toilet breaks.

What is the net worth of Katamco Toilet Timer?

As of May 2022, Katamco Toilet Timer has an estimated net worth of $1.1 million.

What was the investment deal on Shark Tank?

On Shark Tank, Adam and Katie Stephey sought a $200,000 investment for a 10% stake in their company, which was valued at $2 million. Mark Cuban offered a $200,000 investment for 25% equity.

What is the sales and success of Katamco Toilet Timer?

Katamco Toilet Timer has generated millions of dollars in sales and raised over $20,000 through a Kickstarter campaign. The product has experienced significant success since its appearance on Shark Tank.

Where can I purchase Katamco Toilet Timer and are there additional products available?

Katamco Toilet Timer is available for purchase on the company’s website and Amazon. The company also sells smartphone wall docks for the bathroom, greeting cards, and a book of humorous poems called “When Dad Goes Poo.”

What was the impact of Shark Tank on Katamco Toilet Timer?

The exposure from Shark Tank led to a surge in sales, with over 5,000 units sold within a week of the show’s intended airdate. The success of the product and the investment offer from Mark Cuban validated the viability of the Toilet Timer.

What do customers say about Katamco Toilet Timer?

Customer reviews for Katamco Toilet Timer have been mostly positive. Many find it to be a fun and useful tool for managing bathroom time, while others appreciate the unique and humorous design. However, there are some mixed reviews.

Are there any updates or future plans for Katamco Toilet Timer?

As of April 2023, there have been no recent updates on the progress of Katamco Toilet Timer. However, the product remains available for purchase, and with the founder’s expertise in 3D printing, there is the potential for future innovations.

How has the Toilet Timer impacted bathroom time management?

The Toilet Timer provides a simple and humorous tool to remind individuals to limit their time on the toilet. It encourages efficient bathroom usage and helps individuals avoid wasting time.

.1 million.

What was the investment deal on Shark Tank?

On Shark Tank, Adam and Katie Stephey sought a 0,000 investment for a 10% stake in their company, which was valued at million. Mark Cuban offered a 0,000 investment for 25% equity.

What is the sales and success of Katamco Toilet Timer?

Katamco Toilet Timer has generated millions of dollars in sales and raised over ,000 through a Kickstarter campaign. The product has experienced significant success since its appearance on Shark Tank.

Where can I purchase Katamco Toilet Timer and are there additional products available?

Katamco Toilet Timer is available for purchase on the company’s website and Amazon. The company also sells smartphone wall docks for the bathroom, greeting cards, and a book of humorous poems called “When Dad Goes Poo.”

What was the impact of Shark Tank on Katamco Toilet Timer?

The exposure from Shark Tank led to a surge in sales, with over 5,000 units sold within a week of the show’s intended airdate. The success of the product and the investment offer from Mark Cuban validated the viability of the Toilet Timer.

What do customers say about Katamco Toilet Timer?

Customer reviews for Katamco Toilet Timer have been mostly positive. Many find it to be a fun and useful tool for managing bathroom time, while others appreciate the unique and humorous design. However, there are some mixed reviews.

Are there any updates or future plans for Katamco Toilet Timer?

As of April 2023, there have been no recent updates on the progress of Katamco Toilet Timer. However, the product remains available for purchase, and with the founder’s expertise in 3D printing, there is the potential for future innovations.

How has the Toilet Timer impacted bathroom time management?

The Toilet Timer provides a simple and humorous tool to remind individuals to limit their time on the toilet. It encourages efficient bathroom usage and helps individuals avoid wasting time.
