Why You Need to Own the First Page of Google for Your Name

Publish date: 2024-06-05

One of the main goals for online professionals and business brands is to rank for their “name” in the major search engines. It’s not just about ranking in the number one position, but filling up the main page of results as much as you can. The reason why you need to rank in as many spots as possible on the main page, is that this gives you ownership over what is ranking on the first page for your name/keyword and allows you to manage your online reputation.

Let’s look at it like this…

Say you are a dentist and rank #1 on the search results for your name and maybe even “dentist + city name“. You know all of your customers/patients are happy and you’ve never had any complaints. But what if one patient didn’t say anything to you but then take their complaints to the internet! Now all of a sudden their complaint is ranking on the first page of Google for your name! This is the absolute last thing you need and it will greatly hurt your business if anyone is looking up your name before they become a new patient.

This reason in itself is why it’s important for you to rank in the search results for the most important terms around your brand name and your business.

What Do People See When They Search Your NameWhat Do People Find When They Search Your Name?

An easy and awesome way to do this is through the use of social networking profiles. Since the major social networks like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+  are large and established sites, they actually rank very well and quite fast!

How to Check Your Reputation on Google

While social profiles are a great way to build up your rankings and listings in the search engines, what are some of the best ways for you to monitor every time your name or brand is mentioned on the internet? You could visit Google and search for you specific terms to see if there are any new movements, but this will take a lot of time. Instead you can use Google tools such as Google Alerts and “Me on the Web” to automate the process.

Other Quick Tips for Increasing Main Page Rankings

There are many other ways that you can rank on the first page of Google for your desired keywords and names as well, such as building out new web sites and blogs focused on your name, profile or business. The success rate using this method will vary depending on how complex of a name you are going after. Obviously if you have a generic name like “Joe Smith”, this will be quite tough. The more unique your name, the better chances you will have to own the complete first page of Google results. Also don’t be afraid to build out some long tail sites and posts to redirect traffic and links back to your main sites, further increasing their rankings.

If you’ve never take the time to see what other sites are ranking on the first page of Google of your personal or business name, now is the time to look. You are likely already ranking number one, but now you need to focus on owning the other nine locations as well!
